Monday, January 8, 2007


This blog is intended to be used as a resource for anyone who likes to watch movies - but wants to chit-chat about them from various perspectives.

Will post first review shortly. Oneday....

Please contribute your movie reviews and I will link them to this community blog (no porn/erotica reviews please).


La Otra said...

Hey AD!

I've been contemplating writing movie reviews for a while now. Lord knows I talk back to movies everytime I watch them. If you don't mind, I would like to write some reviews for this site.


AradhanaD said...

My friend,

I hope everyone wants to contribute to this blog, I have about 20 different reviews saved written by other people & bloggers that I will post here soon enough...

My objective for this site is to have a 'leftist' database of sorts. I see the relevance in dissecting movies to explain how problematic our culture is to 'mainstream viewers'. I came up with the idea because I got a few hits on my blog for 'leftist movies'.

What I plan to do is - link to other blogs that have reviews and do a 'trackback'. If anyone ever has objections to their reviews being up here - I will remove the review. All articles will be sufficiently cited.

If people want to co-blog, I will invite them as well. :)

I really wanted to start this with the new year, but time has been hectic.
